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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cardiac Metabolism LO, Broken down via fatty acid oxidation Cannot proceed without oxygen*, Intracellular H+ concentration increases H+ is pumped out in exchange for Na+, Consumes 6 O2 molecules 3.0 ATP/O, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger begins to work in opposite direction (Na+ out, Ca2+ in) Intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases, Fatty acids* Broken down via fatty acid oxidation, Cellular contents are spilled into the coronary circulation Troponin T and creatine kinase levels increase, indicating myocardial infarction occurred, Does not require oxygent to happen Lactic acid production, Mitochondria swells and bursts due to influx of water to equilibrate intracellular and intra-mitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations. Cell undergoes apoptosis, Broken down via glycolysis Produces 36 ATP, H+ is pumped out in exchange for Na+ Intracellular Na+ concentration increases, Heart switches from fatty acid oxidation to glycolysis because it requires less oxygen ATP stores decrease, Produces 36 ATP 3.0 ATP/O, ATP is broken down to ADP. ADP is broken down to AMP. AMP is broken down to adenosine Adenosine is released into the coronary circulation Binds to adenosine A2 receptors, ATP is broken down to ADP. ADP is broken down to AMP. AMP is broken down to adenosine Adenosine is released into the coronary circulation Binds to adenosine A1 receptors, Broken down via glycolysis Consumes 6 O2 molecules, Binds to adenosine A1 receptors Lowers the oxygen demand of the heart by decreasing heart rate and contractility.*, Broken down via glycolysis Does not require oxygent to happen, Normal cardiac metabolism Heart prefers Fatty acids*, ATP stores decrease ATP is broken down to ADP. ADP is broken down to AMP. AMP is broken down to adenosine, Intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases Mitochondrial uniporter attempts to uptake all of the intracellular Ca2+*